Promise to the Planet

Imagine a world in which every citizen made a promise to take one action to better our planet.  Imagine 8 billion acts every single day–2,920,000,000,000 acts every year. 

Would the world change?  How could it not?

We are joining efforts with The University of Iowa Office of Sustainability and the Environment to challenge people to make a Promise to the Planet. We are asking you to join the collective effort.   Think of an action and imagine how you can practice that action in your daily life and community. Make a Promise to the Planet and join others in making our community and planet a cleaner, safer, and more sustainable place for all to live.  

What would the planet look like if we practiced small actions toward sustainability?

What would the air smell like if we used cleaner energy and less of it? 

What would the rivers, lakes, and oceans feel like on a hot day if they were clean enough to swim in? 

What would the land look like if we reused, recycled, and reduced more of our waste?

How would our city change if we as individuals and as a collective community practiced actions monthly, weekly, daily?  How would YOU change?

What promise will you make to our planet? To our future?