Who Are We?

The LENA Project is an Iowa City based non-profit that aims to inspire and empower people to create positive environmental change. The LENA Project was formed to carry on the mission and actions of a group of local preschool children wanting to "Help the Earth be the best Earth." Through projects centering on sustainability, environmental education, and community action, LENA aims to promote a more environmentally sustainable future for all. LENA is comprised of adults and children, community members and university students, all working together to create a better world and brighter future.

Help the Earth be the best Earth.
— Bridget, age 5

Our Story

What would the Earth say if it could talk to you? 

This is the question posed to a group of preschool children in 2018. They had been invited to participate in a project called Prompt for the Planet. University of Iowa student Shannon Nolan and her Instructor David Gould set out to ask young people to lend their voices to the Earth. To put words to their vision, David asked Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman to create a prompt for the rising generations. While the prompt was designed for young adults, the importance of hearing from  Earth’s youngest citizens was equally valued. 

The children’s participation in the project led to their desire to “help the Earth be the best Earth.” They  were especially motivated by large sculptures created by University of Iowa art students for the project.  These sculptures depicted sea animals with plastic in their bellies. The children sought to put an end to  plastic waste that ended up in oceans. They believed that everyone who saw their message would help spread it. “They will tell and they will tell and they will tell. The End.” With guidance from their teacher, Tricia Windschitl, they created “The Strawless Initiative.” They spoke to the mayor of their city, handed out flyers at the local farmer’s market, spoke with restaurant managers, were interviewed by local news organizations, and were recognized at a city council meeting.  

The LENA Project was formed to carry on the children’s mission and voices as they headed to kindergarten to do the work of children. LENA is the name the children gave to the turtle drawn by one  of the preschoolers for the project. It now also stands for Lessen (lessen our footprint) Empower  (empower all voices) Notice (notice the problematic changes happening to our environment) and Act  (act in large or small ways to improve the future of our Earth).  

Today, The LENA Project is working to create an environmentally sustainable future for all. We carry on the children’s mission of “helping Earth be the best Earth” through projects that promote sustainability, ecological awareness, and environmental educational and action. The Lena Turtle is still with us today as a symbol reminding us of the children who listened to the Earth--a group of children with powerful  voices and a desire to change the world.

We are a James Gang endeavor and 501(C)3 nonprofit organization.