Summer 2024 LENA Earth Warriors: Prompt for the Planet Camp

Lena Earth Warriors will continue their investigations and explorations of Mother Earth in 2024. As always, we will learn about Earth’s many gifts, begin to understand her challenges, and discover small ways we can care for Earth. 

In Summer 2024, we will center on Amanda Gorman’s Prompt for the Planet . We will get creative with art, writing, movement, and music to find ways to respond to the prompt. All campers will create their own individual creative responses as well as collaborate with others to create responses using multiple art forms. We are thrilled to have local musical artist and choir director, Emily Pritchard. join us this summer. Emily will work with us to create a collaborative song response to the prompt. Lena campers will be invited to perform the song at the Prompt for the Planet Showcase event at The Englert Theater, September 13th alongside other local artists.

Camps will include outdoor explorations and hikes at Harvest Preserve, time in the Preucil Art Studio, and gardening.


4-7-ish Age group is somewhat flexible; please contact us if your child is outside this age-range but you think would enjoy the camp. Older children may enjoy being leaders and role models as they engage with the creative process.


June 24-28th, 1:00-4:00 pm


Registration Fee: $15.00 if by check/$18 if online Tuition: $140 if by check/$145 if online

Tuition dollars are used to pay fair wages to staff and to help maintain general overall operational costs. If financing is a barrier to your child’s participation, please contact us.


Preucil School of Music North Campus (2916 Northgate Dr.) and Harvest Preserve

Camp Leaders

Tricia Windschitl has a Master's degree in Early Childhood Education and is the Preschool Director of Preucil Preschool. She participated in Prompt for the Planet in 2018. It was then that she became inspired to create The LENA Project. Tricia helped reignite the project in 2021. She has since led Prompt for the Planet workshops in our community with children, college students, adults, and seniors. She understands that art inspires, and it is through joyful inspiration that we will motivate action.

Emily Pritchard earned her Master of Music Education degree with a concentration in choral music from VanderCook College of Music and a Bachelor of Music in Commercial Music degree with a concentration in songwriting/vocal performance and a Minor in Theatre from Millikin University.  She taught choir, directed musicals and madrigal dinners, and sponsored the GSA at Limestone High School in Illinois for five years.  Before moving to Illinois, she worked in Nashville as a songwriter and was fortunate to study with Lin-Manuel Miranda, Craig Cornelia, and Lari White a part of the Johnny Mercer Foundation Songwriters Project.  She loves living in Iowa City and making music with whoever will have her!

LENA Earth Warriors Camp: Prompt for the Planet