All Meetings for children ages 4-12. Younger siblings welcome with a caretaker.

Our Earth

Tuesday, June 22, 10:00-12:00; Hickory Hill South

Join us for an into to our Earth, our home! Think about your favorite things on Earth, learn about small things you can do to help Earth, go on a guided group hike, and make an Earth craft (using materials that were on their way to the landfill).


Registration is closed for Our Earth.


Our Earth’s Gifts: Water

Wednesday, June 30th, 5:00, Iowa City Ped Mall Water Fountian (Assuming the fountain remains open and functional). *Caregiver is required

Enjoy one of Earth’s many gifts, water. Water gives life, keeps our bodies healthy, helps to grow our food, and provides coolness in the hot summers. Join us on the Ped Mall for a cool splash in the water. We can conserve water by collectively sharing this water-play experience rather than all using our own sprinklers,


Registration is closed for Our Earth’s Gifts: Water

Plastic-Less July

Wednesday, July 7th 10:00-12:00; Iowa City City Park, near Shelter 11 (drive all the way through City Park until you get to the last parking lot)

Joint the national Plastic-Free July movement by learning how you can use less single-use plastic. We’ll learn about the many uses of plastic—those that are necessary and needed and those that are unnecessary and wasteful. Sign a pledge vowing to try to use less single-use plastic. If you need a re-usuable, we will have some for you to choose from to take with you (straws, lunch bags, etc.).

Start collecting plastic waste to bring (clean it first!) to make plastic sculpture art!


Registration is closed for Plastic-Less July

Prompt for the Planet

Wednesday, July 21st, 3:00-5:00, location Hickory Hill Park, North entrance shelter (take N. Dodge to Conklin, take Conklin all the way to the parking lot)

Create a response to Amanda Gorman’s Prompt for the Planet: “Think of one element and speak in its voice through pictures and words….” All responses will be documented and archived with Prompt for the Planet to add to the collective voice.


Registration closed until later date.

Check back.

Our Earth’s Gifts: Food

Friday, August 20th, 2:00-4:00, location TBD

Celebrate one of Earth’s many gifts, food! You might often go to the grocery store for food, but it starts in a field somewhere on planet Earth. Mark the end of summer by sampling locally grown fresh food.

Help brainstorm activities for Fall.


All events are free, but donations are appreciated to support LENA Kids, Outreach, and projects
